Tuesday 18 May 2010

Whoring myself about

It seems silly not to, then again, noone comes here to why bother?

Confused? Check out the add on the right for amazon. Yep, I'm an amazon associate and now I'm advertising their wares on this blog as well as my other site.

It's ok, I actually like books and Amazon isn't really that evil compared to some companies I know.

So, if you like you can click on their adds and see what takes your fancy. On my site I have a book store where you can buy a bunch of Cisco books if you're studying for anything in that vein.

Please, help me out here!


snail said...

Does blogger record stats for RSS feeds? I rarely visit your actual site but I see all your posts in my reader.

Ryan Ruckley said...

I'm not sure. I do know that it changed the RSS feed to go through feedburner so that it could insert ads into the feed. You should see amazon adds in the RSS too now. I follow my own blog so I should check in reader.